Vibrandt Websites Wins Prestigious dotCOMM Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Vibrandt Websites has been honored with two prestigious dotCOMM Awards! Our team’s dedication and hard work have been recognized with a Gold award for the Glenn Armentor Law Corporation in the Legal category and a Platinum award for United Way of Acadiana in the Platinum category.

Gold for Glenn Armentor Law Corporation

We are proud to have received the Gold award for our work on the Glenn Armentor Law Corporation website. This project involved close collaboration with Glenn Armentor’s team to create a site that not only looks exceptional but also provides a seamless user experience. Our design and development efforts focused on reflecting the professionalism and dedication of the Glenn Armentor Law Corporation, resulting in a website that truly stands out in the legal field.

Platinum for United Way of Acadiana

Our Platinum award for the United Way of Acadiana project is particularly meaningful to us. Supporting a cause that makes a significant impact in the community is something we value deeply. We aimed to design a site that is both functional and inspiring, helping United Way of Acadiana connect more effectively with their community. This award is a testament to our commitment to creating websites that not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We extend our sincere gratitude to Glenn Armentor Law Corporation and United Way of Acadiana for entrusting us with their projects. Your vision and collaboration were instrumental in achieving these awards.

A special thank you to the Vibrandt Websites team, whose creativity, dedication, and hard work made these achievements possible. Your efforts are truly commendable.

Looking Ahead

These awards motivate us to continue pushing the boundaries and delivering exceptional websites for our clients. We look forward to what the future holds and to continuing our journey of excellence in web design and development.

Thank you for being part of our success story. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Vibrandt Websites!

Best regards,

The Vibrandt Websites Team

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